Triangle News

The release of Triangle’s 2019 UK Domestic Express Parcel Survey is just around the corner and we thought our readers might be interested in some of the preliminary results.

The annual Survey, which includes 600 in-depth telephone interviews with B2B and B2C domestic shippers in the UK, features new questions for 2019 around various aspects of the delivery process.

In our previous update we explored our shippers’ attitudes towards green delivery, with 71% of respondents rating a carrier’s green credentials as important.

This time around we looked at the shippers’ needs for the ‘Provision of Information’ as well as the type of service levels they require and expect from their carriers.

Our preliminary results have shown that 74% of all respondents use a ‘signed for’ service when shipping their orders.

Of those using a signed for service we followed up with “What percentage of parcels are sent using a ‘signed for’ service?” The result was around 83% of parcels, meaning the vast majority of the orders they  shipped were done so with some sort of proof of delivery.

Then, we asked “How important is it to you that your carrier is able to provide proof of delivery to the consignee?” As expected a huge 86% rated it as either important (55%) or very important (31%), leaving just 14% of shippers considering proof of delivery as not at all important.

Our questions around proof of delivery are new for this year’s survey and draw strong parallels with our other question of “How would you rate the importance of ‘Provision of Information’?” as it covers proof of delivery amongst other factors. From a score out of five (with five being very important) provision of information currently holds an average score of 4.1.

The Survey’s full results will be available from mid-October 2019. I’d be more than happy to discuss some of the early results or even take your suggestions for questions to ask next year. Feel free to email me at or call me on +44 (0)1628 642910.

We’ve also got a sample of some of last year’s survey results on our website, so make sure you download it from our website.

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