Events News

Announcing the Triangle Event Calendar for 2021

Announcing the Triangle Event Calendar for 2021

It is hard to believe that next month marks a year since our last WMX Americas conference in Miami, our last physical conference before the global outbreak of COVID-19. Since then, we have continued to keep our events going with our series of popular virtual events,...
Announcing the Triangle Event Calendar for 2021

Keeping You Connected: Exciting News from Triangle

Times have changed and businesses have to react swiftly to stay relevant. Our priority is your health and safety, but we also want to keep our industry current and connected in these uncertain times. Following the success of our first virtual event,...
World Post & Parcel Awards Winners 2020 Announced

World Post & Parcel Awards Winners 2020 Announced

Many congratulations to the 10 World Post & Parcel Awards winners 2020. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we were unable to celebrate in style at the annual black-tie gala dinner but rest assured we will be back next year! (conditions permitting) Winners were...
Announcing the Triangle Event Calendar for 2021

Important Updates: WMX Europe and Post&Parcel Live

Over the last few months, the world has become a very different place with the ongoing pandemic of COVID-19. Companies have had to adapt quickly and change the way they operate in a much more isolated environment. Triangle Management Services have also had to adapt to...
Make 2020 your year!

Make 2020 your year!

We are delighted to announce that applications for the World Post & Parcel Awards 2020 are now open! The World Post & Parcel Awards offer mail and express organisations from around the world the opportunity to showcase innovation and creativity within their...

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Copyright (c) 2024. Triangle Management Services Ltd. Registered in England and Wales. No. 1975797.

Registered Office: Harleyford Golf Club, Harleyford Estate, Henley Road, Marlow, Bucks, SL7 2SP, UK