Triangle News

It is hard to believe that next month marks a year since our last WMX Americas conference in Miami, our last physical conference before the global outbreak of COVID-19. Since then, we have continued to keep our events going with our series of popular virtual events, Post&Parcel Live, and in two weeks’ time we are delighted to be delivering our third edition to your screens.

We go into 2021 with a great deal of hope with vaccines being rolled out globally, however it will still be some time until lives return to anything that resembles what used to be normal. While we want to continue to keep the industry up-to-date with the latest content and networking opportunities where possible, we believe that it is not quite the time to bring back our physical events.

We have therefore made the decision to take all of our events online until after the summer, at the earliest, with the hope of launching our WMX Asia Event in the Autumn as a hybrid event (however, this will of course be reviewed closer to the time). With this in mind, we are happy to announce our Events Calendar for 2021:



Post&Parcel Live

27-28 January 2021
View Website


WMX Americas – Virtual

14-15 April 2021
View Website


World Post & Parcel Awards – Virtual

8 June 2021
View Website


WMX Europe – Virtual

16-17 June 2021
View Website


WMX Asia Conference

Autumn 2021 | Bangkok, Thailand
View Website


Registration for our virtual events this year will remain free, but we also have some fantastic sponsorship opportunities available, and if you are interested please do get in touch.

We’d like to take the opportunity to thank everyone for all their efforts during the pandemic, and we look forward to seeing you soon – both virtually and in person.

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Copyright (c) 2025. Triangle Management Services Ltd. Registered in England and Wales. No. 1975797.

Registered Office: Harleyford Golf Club, Harleyford Estate, Henley Road, Marlow, Bucks, SL7 2SP, UK