Triangle News

Triangle, who manage the Global Retail Benchmarking Group have just reported on the 2010 review meeting, recently staged in Copenhagen on 15th June.

The Group met on the eve of The World Mail Awards and the meeting included delegates from Hungary, Saudi Arabia, Canada, Denmark, Belgium and the UK. The agenda included an analysis of international news within post office retail networks and detailed discussion of some of the challenges and recently reported successes within the sector.

The main objectives for the group is to create a cooperative environment to share information to develop “best in class”, compare KPI’s against each other, conduct best practice studies of important business processes and be kept updated on global developments within the Post Office industry.

The group now has 6 Post Office networks as members and include Jersey Post, Nigeria Post, Magyar Posta, Poste Italiane, Saudi Post and South African Post Office.

Ann Nevinson, Triangle’s Retail Networks Director, commented “our meeting in Copenhagen was an excellent review of the sector, and some invaluable actions were decided which will help our members to develop their business”.

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